9 Dermatologist-Approved Tips to Combat Dry Winter Skin

9 Dermatologist-Approved Tips to Combat Dry Winter Skin

Winter comes with some obvious perks (snowy walks, fireplace snuggles, and homemade holiday treats) but it can also be a recipe for dry, irritated skin. Don’t let the cold, blustery conditions be your worst epidermal enemy. We’ve rounded up 9 dermatologist-approved tips to keep your winter skin happy, healthy and hydrated. 

  1. Don’t dillydally in the shower 

    A hot steamy bath or shower seems like the perfect antidote for the biting cold weather, but it can dry out your skin's natural barrier which can lead to cracked, flaky skin. Shorten your shower time (5 minutes tops) and stick to warm or tepid water – never piping hot

  2. Lather thick moisturizer 

    This one might seem obvious, but the application of a very thick moisturizer as soon as you get out of the shower will help trap in the hydration. Look for non-greasy and fragrance-free natural skincare products, especially those with ingredients such as niacinamide (a vitamin B derivative) and hyaluronic acid – like TEI SPA BEAUTY’s ojo Firming Serum with 24 Karat Gold – to help your skin stay moist, soft, and supple during sub-zero temperatures. 

  3. Steer clear of alcohol-based skincare products 

    Formulas loaded with ethanol should never play a starring role in your winter skincare product line-up (watch out even for those makeup removers and wipes made with the drying kind).  

    Despite its allure of providing a non-greasy finishit will eventually disable your skin from retaining its natural oils or even allowing moisture to penetrate deeper into it.  

  4. Invest in gentle, hydrating cleansers 

    Dry skin is unsightly and uncomfortable – and with the wrong cleanser, it can lead to more serious skin problems such as winter itch. Toss out cleansers with additives or surfactants and incorporate in your daily skincare routine a dermatologist-recommended option that can get rid of impurities without dehydrating your skin. 

  5. Be generous with lactic acid 

    Skincare products with lactic acid as its active ingredient is a godsend to keep skin happy, healthy, and hydrated all winter long. 

  6. Exfoliate regularly. 

    Buffing away dead skin cells will ensure that all those extra rich lotions and creams you apply will actually penetrate your skin and really get to work. However, be careful not to over-exfoliate to avoid stripping the skin of its essential oils. Pick a gentle scrub that will allow new cells to come in healthier and without obstruction. Check out TEI Spa Beauty’s Sea Salt scrub and loofa kit to get you started. 

  7. Get a humidifier 

    The one-two punch of dry winter air and warm indoor heating can mercilessly suck the moisture out of your skin. Those bouts of extremely dry skin every morning? It is signal to dial up the humidity.  

    Want to track your skin’s overall condition? Get TEI SPA BEAUTY’s Mili Pure – a portable skin analyzer that detects your skin’s moisture and hydration level immediately and automatically.  

  8. Wear lip balm 

    Avoid winter-worn, chapped lips by applying a healing lip balm throughout the day (especially before heading outdoors). Swap for an ultra-nourishing lip treatment at night for a soft and kissable pout when you wake up.  

  9. Protect your hands 

    Although it’s important to keep your hands clean to avoid spreading germs, repeated exposure to chemicals, soaps – and yes, water – may cause your hands to look like a cracked, flaky horror show 

    Ideally, you should apply a hand cream after every hand wash (and wear waterproof gloves when doing chores). But if it’s too much of an imposition, at least twice daily is enough.  

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